

Called to Serve

We have loved traveling and being with family for the past two years but we felt the call to serve another mission so here we are in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania for the next year.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Flowers to Dancing

It has been a very nice, quiet week. Since we were only in the office for 1 1/2 days last week, there was almost a weeks worth of mail (lots of bills) to keep me busy.  Then I missed work on Thursday because I had a cold.  We had had a discussion in the office when Sister Casler and Wayne had their colds and so I did not dare go in and expose Elder Haroldsen.  I laid around all day and found a new series (at least to me) on Netflix which kept me occupied for at least 5 hours.  Too bad there are about 30 more episodes.  I missed District meeting but, again, did not want to expose the Elders.  I did make a ton of chocolate chip cookies to send to them though.  A day of rest did wonders as I was almost back to normal in one day.

Sister Johnson came in to brighten our office in appreciation of all we had done for Zone Conferences.  It really did make it seem like Spring was coming.  The weather had warmed up a bit.

A few days later this is what we woke up to.  We had 4-5 inches overnight.  It was so cold the next 2 days that even though there was no more snow falling it did not melt and it was white everywhere.

Friday night the Young Single Adults put on a Valentine dance that was really great.  The decorations were excellent.  These kids amaze me at how hard they work to make a good activity.
 They had a photo spot with a bucket full of props.  Alec is our wonderful Relief Society President.
The food is always over the top.  We had a chocolate fountain with lots of yummy things to dip and a ton of other great finger foods.

Saturday morning we had to meet at the office for the annual audit.  While waiting for the man who would do the audit, President Johnson was telling us about some issues that had come up as he did interviews that week.  I was checking the office email and I came across the following.  All I could think of was oh no, poor President.  Here are more problems.

          Hey President! We just wanted to bring to light an issue that we've
          recently discovered in our Zone. It happens to be between a Sister and
          an Elder. We thought they we just friends, but lately we've noticed
          that it's clearly been taken to the next level. We really don't know
          what to do and we are looking for your direction and advice. Here is
          what it's gotten too, they may need to be counseled.

          Love Elder Gneiting and Walker

This is the picture that they sent with the email. 
I am sure this was Elder Gneitings idea.  As we get to know him better I am really liking this kid. Not only is he funny and personable but he and Elder Walker are doing a great job leading our Zone.

This weekend was Stake Conference.  All the full time missionaries, which included the sisters, were asked to be in attendance at the Saturday Priesthood Leadership session.  The emphasis was on missionary work.  President Petersen presented the Stake vision for how Ward Councils could work with the Missionaries.  It is a great program and if implemented, should have some wonderful results.
That evening we had another great meeting as several individuals spoke about conversions and how members can work with the missionaries.  We were surprised when they announced that Jackson would be speaking.  This is the 3rd time I have heard him speak since he was baptized and he brings me to tears every time.  He is such an amazing young man.  All of the missionaries sang the closing song and it was so powerful.  President Johnson had told us to watch the faces of the audience as we sang but I could hardly even see my music, I was so teary myself.

Todays session had several really good talks.  One of the counselors in the Stake Presidency spoke about the new Self Reliance program which was started as a pilot program in our Stake.  They just finished up a 12 week program of small groups meeting weekly to work on Education for a Better Job, Personal Finances, Growing a Small Business and Finding a Better Job.  He gave some success stories and it sounds like this is a program that can really help those who are trying to make improvements in their lives.  
A sister spoke about serving.  One of the things she mentioned was a project that was listed on Just Serve that our Elders in downtown Pittsburgh have been working on for the past year.  It is Days for Girls.  The Elders go every Wed. to sew hygiene kits for third world countries.  Young girls miss up to two months of school each year because they do not have the necessary sanitary supplies.  These kits help them to stay in school.  The elders have learned to sew flannel pads that can be washed and reused.  We have heard stories about how impressed the organizers are with the Elders.  Good job!

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