

Called to Serve

We have loved traveling and being with family for the past two years but we felt the call to serve another mission so here we are in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania for the next year.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Missing Buddhas

 There is a large park near where we live with a mountain in the center and it is called 
Thousand Buddha Mountain.  Well, I had hiked all over the mountain and around 
the park and had only seen about 50 Buddhas and I had always wondered where all 
the others were.  While on one of my walks back in December I decided to look
one more place.  There is a ticket booth next to a large Buddha along one of the 
main paths and I never wanted to pay 15 RMB ($2.50) just to get a closer look
at the Buddha.  This time I paid the money and soon realized that there is
 a path that goes past the Buddha to something else.  A CAVE.

This is Wanfo Cave.  I had read that there was a cave that contained 
28,000 Buddhas.  And now I had found it!  It goes 500 meters into the
mountain and is packed with Buddhas.  There are replicas of the most 
famous Buddhas from all over China.  Every square inch is covered with
Buddhas.  I really don't think there are quite that many but there are
far more than I would like to count. 

These guys greet you at the entrance.

And then it just goes on and on and on.  When I later came back 
with Libby, it was freezing outside but by the time we were 2/3 
of the way into the cave it seemed nice and toasty.

 Notice all the small Buddhas behind and above me on the wall.



At the end of the cave is this large Buddha in a much larger chamber.
On both sides are the two red cones made of small lighted Buddhas
 and of course there is incense burning on the alter.

 The cave is very impressive and well worth the admission fee.  I'm 
glad I took a chance and found the missing Buddhas.

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